Well we all know the importance of backing up our decks who would like to lose there 1000+ cards? So thought I would do a quick rundown of ways to back up in anki.
The first way is probably the simplest just the standard export "file - export" enter the deck you wish to backup select file and click export, choose the file format and the location to save to probably best to save to some external device just in case your machine goes kaput.
Also you can select if you want the backup to include scheduling info so you don't lose that precious spaced repetition.
Sync & Save
Probably the best way (although you should do both for added peace of mind) is the syncing a copy to anki's server this has the added advantage to that you can either do your daily sentences reps online or have your deck shared across multiple machines.
Select settings, preferences and the sync & save tab under Autosaving I find it best to set all the options as ticked you can adjust your settings to your personal preferences if you have a temperamental machine its probably best to set these to save often.
You will need to create yourself a free account to able to sync once you've done this enter your username and password and set your syncing options i prefer to sync on both open and close ans this will update any online reps or reps I've done on other machines before i start.
Note: If you need to download your deck to a new anki setup go to the options for sync & save add your sync details and choose to sync on open this will automatically download your decks to your new installation.
Pretty simple but a reference for anybody that might need to know.
17:14 |
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