Personally i think some people don't realise how important it can be to exchange links to each others blogs there are many advantages and no reall drawbacks one of the main reasons can be to establish a community especially with like minded blogs for example blogs that write about language learning or there favourite TV series its a great help for your readers to find other great sites related to there interests we can all help each other receive more readers which I'm sure all of us would like otherwise what would be the point for the blog/site (unless you just use it as some sort of personal diary).

So if any blog/site owners would like to build there community and let there blog reach a wider audience so it can be enjoyed and help there readers find more great sites think about exchanging links with fellow blog/sites it only takes a few clicks :D

If you would like to exchange links with me feel free to leave a comment or send me an email tibul3 at

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Comments (6)

On 2009年3月5日 13:50 , balaam さんのコメント...

I added a blog roll to my site - and added you. I update sporadically. Anyone else who wants to trade links (and has a blog about Japanese life / language learning) feel free to get in contact with me too :D

On 2009年3月5日 16:09 , Tibul さんのコメント...

Thanks for the link added you also :D

On 2009年3月5日 23:45 , Burritolingus さんのコメント...

Heh, I've actually had you on my blogroll for a while, Tibul! Always interesting and inspiring to keep up on your progress.

I'd appreciate an exchange if it's cool with you. I've not been updating very often lately, but that'll change by next week if all goes well again!

Keep up the good work.

On 2009年3月6日 0:13 , Tibul さんのコメント...

Hi Burritolingus

I've now added your link can't see mine on your's or am i just blind lol :D

On 2009年3月6日 0:21 , Burritolingus さんのコメント...

Oh jeez, maybe my brain really is going! Coulda sworn you were on there, but now you are for sure. I curse thee, Internets!

On 2009年3月7日 7:26 , Tim さんのコメント...

Wow, you are using the same blog theme as me.

I found your blog by chance.

I am an Aussie who studied Japanese till JLPT level 1 and is interested in Japanese, Anime, Japanese novels, Japanese video games, anime figure collecting, model making and martial arts.

Check out my blog. (English)
http;// (Japanese)