Well seen as Blogger sucks for creating static pages and the blogger provided "about me" page is lacking, so the only other option is to create a normal post and then link to the post page via an about me button, which will do until I can be bothered to switch from blogger.


Hmm where do I start, my real name is Matthew or Matt which ever you prefer, its a long story were the name Tibul came from but have used it for many years on the interweb to the point were people think its my real name, I live in the UK although that's not were my future lies one of my greatest ambitions is to live and work in Japan.

Since my ambition to move to Japan started a few years ago its improved my lifestyle ten fold before my Japan dream I was content with byding my time playing online games and watching Anime all day long, after my day at 'the' dead end job, not all bad but i felt there was more for me.

Will do a post soon on my own experience with self motivation and improvement of oneself and how having ambitions, goals and determination will lead you somewhere doing nothing will lead you nowhere.

This Site

Started this site as originally a place to just record how I was doing with my Japanese studies, but since have realised how useful it can be to blog whats on your mind and is slowly growing into a place for me to blog about my other interests such as self motivation/improvement and everything Japanese.


Thought this would be best as a list since I have so many :)

  • Japan/Japanese subculture
  • Language learning
  • Self Improvement
  • Gaming
  • Technology
  • Photography (would like to do this more)
  • Fishing
  • Blogging
  • Weight Lifting

Firm believer that if you never list your experience/skills that possible opportunities may never arise, worked in the IT industry for about 5 years now and have gained a wide variety of skills over that time.

  • Wide knowledge of hardware/software
  • Working Knowledge of Server software from Windows NT to Windows server 2008 and Linux Ubuntu Server
  • Working Knowledge of a wide variety of client OS including Windows, Mac and Linux
  • Networking technologies and application
  • Knowledge of setting up and deploying of small to large scale networks including inter/intra site communications
  • Backup Technologies

Recently got my first Mac in years and have been completely turned after many years of using windows machines and working with them every day, its great to have a breath of fresh air really cant see me ever going back to Windows you can see my review of my Macbook here

Find Me

Now for some links were you can find me, feel free to add me.

Twitter - Now one of my regular haunts
Lang-8 - Trying to write in my Journal more and help others were I can
xbox360 Tag - Tibul
smart.fm - Trying to do more iknow excellent learning resource and a great community

Will add more as and when :)

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Comments (2)

On 2009年4月17日 23:15 , Burritolingus さんのコメント...

Man, I love Tony Taka's artwork. Just thought I should point that out.

Nice introduction!

On 2009年7月7日 2:04 , greendotguy さんのコメント...

Hello from Omaha. I enjoyed reading your post about studying techniques and your experience.
Good luck with your Japanese, you will do great.