Recently went out and bought myself a new desk as I was starting to get sick of using my bed as a desk not much room to get thing done, also I've had a 19" wide-screen monitor lying about doing nothing for the past god knows how long and thought it would be great to use this as a dual display with my Mac. Should make productivity much greater for my language studies and work.

After only a few hours of using this setup I think its excellent already finding it easier to sentence mine and keep up a Japanese environment, now I just need to get myself a 3rd monitor.

p.s. The rose isn't mine ;P

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Comments (2)

On 2009年6月23日 14:07 , balaam さんのコメント...

Looks like a sweet setup to me! Very unlcuttered :)

On 2009年6月25日 11:21 , Tibul さんのコメント...

Not sure it will be for long =)